Fixed Preset Air Regulators

Bellofram Type 60 and 65 air regulator with a fixed pre-set pressure. Ideal for OSHA regulations requiring tamperproof maximum pressure limiting.

Type 65 Preset Air Regulators
Stock # Series Fixed Preset Pressure
960-071-000-5PSI T65 Preset at 5 PSI
960-071-087-10PSI T65 Preset at 10 PSI
960-150-000-30PSI T65 Preset at 30 PSI
960-151-000-40PSI T65 Preset at 40 PSI
960-151-000-45PSI T65 Preset at 45 PSI
960-151-000-60PSI T65 Preset at 60 PSI
Type 60 Fixed Preset Air Filter-Regulators
Stock # Series Fixed Preset Pressure
960-070-000-20 T60 Preset at 20 PSI
960-109-000-30 T60 Preset at 30 PSI